Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How weird is this....

How weird is thing. I mean really I am sitting in front of the computer thinking what could I possibly write that would be of any interest to someone to read. Saying that you also think.."oh man I haven't written anything for a while so I really should write because than people will stop looking and reading." HA! Anyway...I am sitting here because today is the my first day at my new to speak. It has actually been a job of mine but I am now grabbing the bull by the horns and DOING TO! This could be a way of procrastinating, or just away to get going. We shall see. There are so many things that can come up and make you think to yourself you really don't have to do that right now. I find that the more I talk about something the less likely it is that I will actually do it....but today will be the first I am NOT doing to let my words down. I am delightfully sleeping in this morning when Norman came in our room and whispers in my ear..."Can you help me get the chickens back in their box? I was giving them more feed and they all few out." HA! HA! LOL! It makes me laugh because it is true...every time you open their box they crouch and flap their wings and they are out like pop up toys in a hurricane. (I made that up) they are getting bigger and faster so they are harder to catch now....but I seem to have the knack done...for now anyway. As soon as I get my photos of my camera I will attach them on. Things are good. Ta for now! xx

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