Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Three happy chicks OUTSIDE at last...

So....the chickens are officially outside. WAHOO! Our house was starting to smell like a giant coop.  On Saturday we were experiencing an american equivalent of an Indian Summer.  It was quite warm given the time of year.  Outside we went. We had a some company for the night and they were happy to help as one of them is a farmer.  I felt really stupid because I was actually worried about them being left outside all night.  It makes me chuckle to myself that I actually worry about my chickens. They are JUST CHICKENS!!!  When they were in the coop they found their way out to the run...and it was as if they had been outside all their lives.  They made out Just fine!

It has been a week since they were put outside now...well actually almost two weeks!  When I come home from work I straight out back to see what the ladies are up to...they are sometimes out and sometimes not but the minute they hear my "Hello Ladies" out pop their heads and they come and say hello.  It really amazes me that they respond to certain things.  They are just chickens...not dogs.  I suppose they are like any animal and will respond to anything if they have heard it long enough.  The other day I came home and Duchess (the white one) was sitting out all on her own in the run which was odd because she is usually the one who panics the most when the others are no where to be seen.  So I came up and said " hello ladies" and the other two stuck their heads out in greeting.  It makes me laugh.

In the mornings, the earlier we get out there to let them out the better.  They wake up a whole lot earlier then we it is best to get their door is opened ASAP.  I feel that sometimes I should be on a loud speaker shouting out that the race is about to begin and the contestants are Happy, Duchess, and Lady Blue.  Who will be the first out of the gate...we shall see ladies and gentlemen, a few more we wait to get a nod from their handlers..and there is the nod we are now ready to start.  LOL!  It is really funny because that is what it is like every morning...instant race to see who can get to the food first.

Two days ago, I was really wanting to let them out and free range for a bit, but they can fly quite high and was worried....yes I was worried about the chickens AGAIN....they would fly over wall of our garden, which would not be good as I don't know what is on the other side of some of the walls.  So I went on the internet and found a you tube video of how to clip their wings.  Norman held them and I wielded the scissors.  Happy and Lady Blue were brilliant....but Duchess was more a challenge.  She doesn't really like to be held all that much and she panics easily and if you don't have a good grip on her she shimmies out of your grasp.  Finally we got her calm and I held her and Norman cut.  So the first time we let them out was really neat.  They ran out and then realized they weren't in Kansas any more. They don't ever ( well so far anyway) venture off to far...I always stay with them when they are outside.  They stay pretty close together.   I realized the also that Duchess has been miss named....she should be DART.  She stands quietly, pecking about...and all of a sudden she will tuck her head in and just dart ( for a lack of a better word) like a bullet.  She is so spastic....its hilarious.  I am telling you they are all really amusing.  I love watching them.
Lady Blue

Anyway.....Ta for now!  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How weird is this....

How weird is thing. I mean really I am sitting in front of the computer thinking what could I possibly write that would be of any interest to someone to read. Saying that you also think.."oh man I haven't written anything for a while so I really should write because than people will stop looking and reading." HA! Anyway...I am sitting here because today is the my first day at my new to speak. It has actually been a job of mine but I am now grabbing the bull by the horns and DOING TO! This could be a way of procrastinating, or just away to get going. We shall see. There are so many things that can come up and make you think to yourself you really don't have to do that right now. I find that the more I talk about something the less likely it is that I will actually do it....but today will be the first I am NOT doing to let my words down. I am delightfully sleeping in this morning when Norman came in our room and whispers in my ear..."Can you help me get the chickens back in their box? I was giving them more feed and they all few out." HA! HA! LOL! It makes me laugh because it is true...every time you open their box they crouch and flap their wings and they are out like pop up toys in a hurricane. (I made that up) they are getting bigger and faster so they are harder to catch now....but I seem to have the knack done...for now anyway. As soon as I get my photos of my camera I will attach them on. Things are good. Ta for now! xx

Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Minute Add-ons

Oops I forgot these. enjoy!

The Life and Times of Three Happy Chicks

So here we are again.... last night Norman and I had the chickens out and were admiring their new plumage. They are looking more and more like their adult selves. I have some recent photos to share. Mainly me and my chickens on my shoulders. I have to admit it was really weird to get used to them that close to my ears..but they don't peck me they just get comfy and have a nap. Rarely are the three of them ever if one of us is holding them, one must be prepared to hold all three at the same time. whew! what a task. First they fight over the shoulders and you get wings flapped in your face and poo dropping here and there...then they settle and sit quietly.

They are growing new feathers and when that happens they leave behind and trail of little white things which, when they sit on your shoulders leaves you looking like you need a big bottle of Head and Shoulders. LOL!

I can't wait to see how they react to the big outdoors... in the mean time I hope you enjoy the new photos. Ta for now! xx

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Life and Times of Three Happy Chicks

So here we are....I realize it has been an extremely long time since anyone has looked at or heard from me on this blog. I am about to remedy that by telling all about our new addition. No I don't mean a new human addition...I mean a new animal addition and by animal I mean fowl. We have three very happy Chickens!! Their names are Lady Blue, Happy, and the Duchess of Wimsy, Duchess for short. SO named by my sweet niece Phoenix. They are very different.

Lady Blue is a Bluebelle. She is a greyish blue color. She is also the largest of them all and quite the leader. Because of her big size she is a bit clumsy, but she means well and looks out for her sisters. When let out of the box she likes to find the highest place to perch, which usually ends up being my shoulders and very rarely my head. LOL!

Happy is a Blackrock. She is brownish gold color. She is the most laid back of all three. She is the first to come out the box when you open it and the first to walk onto your hand when you offer it to her. She will sit quietly on your arm and not really be bothered about exploring...once she finds her spot she will happily sit until it is time to go back in the box.

Duchess is a Light Sussex. She is yellow in color but will be white when she is grown. Her adult feathers are already coming in. So right now she is two tome. She is a bit of a bully and a nudge. When she comes out the the box she is a pill. Lady and Happy like to roost and Duchess wants their spots so she will happily trample one of them to get to her desired place. Once she settles she is ok for a few minutes and then gets restless again.

I had no idea how much chickens poo! Oh my is like every 5 minutes. I am so glad we don't do that because if we did our homes would be mainly a giant bathrooms. LOL! They are quite funny to watch. They have already established their pecking order. At night they are always in the same order on their roost. They are only 4 weeks old!

Once they are 6 weeks old we will begin to introduce them to the outdoors. When this happens I am sure there will be more funny tales of their experiences. Ta for now!